(Englsh below)
1. 本キャンペーン対象は、同一紹介者による3口以上の新規ご購入があった場合に限ります。
2. 計10口以上の購入ご紹介を下さった方が、複数名の場合は、中でも最も多くご紹介頂いた方1名をペア(2名様分)で、その他の方々には1名様分を贈呈いたします。
3. 対象はメンバーに限定致しますので、非メンバーの方はご自身が1口以上購入しメンバーになる必要があります。
4. 同一の方の複数購入も、既存メンバーの追加購入も対象に含みます。
5. 上記期間内に購入口数の支払いが完了している必要があります。
6. 当クラブが本キャンペーンについて負担する内容は下記の通りです。
7. 本キャンペーンにて獲得したバヌアツ旅行の権利は2010年7月10日迄の有効期間と致します。
Vanuatu Japan Friendship Corp.
Japan Operations.
Carlo La Porta(カルロ ラ ポルタ)090-4843-4545
Shingo Okumura090-2233-3777
We are happy to announce that to celebrate the start of the main infrastructure work on our land, we are launching a special promotion.The promotion starts on March 10th 2009 and finishes June 10th 2009The results will be announced by July 10th 2009.
The rules are very simple:
1. The person who introduces us to more than 3 fully paid memberships, and is the person who has introduced the biggest number of fully paid memberships, will get a free trip for one person for one week to Vanuatu, flight and hotel paid for.
2. If that person has succeeded in introducing more than 10 fully paid memberships, the prize will be upgraded to a trip for two people for one week in Vanuatu, flight and hotel paid for.
3. Any person who will have introduced more than 10 fully paid memberships, will get a free trip for one person even if they were not the person to have introduced the most..
4. In all cases, VJF is very happy to cover flight expenses and hotel costs for one week.(room and breakfast) As Vanuatu is so wonderful we encourage the winner(s) to stay longer, although the extra hotel costs would be that person’s responsibility.
5. If a member decides to increase the number of memberships they own during that time, this will be included in the count.
6. If a member introduces a person who buys multiple memberships, the number of memberships fully paid is the factor that will be taken into account. For example if you find a person who buys 3 memberships, you have introduced 3 memberships and have already cleared rule number 1.
7. The winner will have one year to take advantage of the prize from the day it is announced.
If you have any questions about this please contact us on:
Vanuatu Japan Friendship Corp.
Carlo La Porta
Japan Operations.
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